Brian King Engineering - Clients
Brian King Engineering Electrical Contractors have a long and varied client list, having been in business for over 30 years now.
Whether it's a small electrical upgrade in a Government office, or a full power and data installation in an industrial building, our level of service and standards will be the same. We have listed just a small selection of clients, simply to illustrate our diverse customer base. Our commitment at all times, with both our management team, and our employees, is to consistently strive towards total customer satisfaction.
- Reckitt Benckiser Ltd
- Sanofi Aventis
- Office of Public Works
- Dept of Defence
- Dept Of Justice
- Dept of Health
- Dept of Education
- Dept of the Taoiseach
- Dept of Finance
- Dept of Agriculture
- Dept of Enterprise, Trade & Employment
- Dept of Foreign Affairs
- Meath County Council
- DunLaoghaire Rathdown County Council
- Ballymun Regeneration
- Bank of Ireland
- Allied Irish Bank
- Bord Na Gaelige
- Institute of technology Blanchardstown
- Wesley College
- University College Dublin
- F.A.S.
- St James Hospital Dublin
- Central Mental hospital
- East Cost area Health Board
- St Marys Hospital Baldoyle
- St Michaels House
- National Gallery of Ireland
- Georgian Museum of Ireland
- Citywest West Ltd
- Davy Hickey Properties
- Naus Investments
- Castlepark Construction
- Fallways Ltd
- Rambler Properties
- Lisneys
- DTZ Sherry Fitzgerald
Building / Construction
- Sisk Builders
- P.J. Hegarty
- Walsh Maguire and Co
- P Elliott & Co
- James Elliott Construction
- Castlepark Construction
- M.J.Clark & Co
- Darthmouth Construction
- J.J.Rattigan
- Smith building Services
- Lissadell Construction
- Peter Mountaine
- Wallace Construction
- John. G Burns
- Grangemore Construction
- Portland Civil Engineering Ltd
- P.J. McLoughlin & Sons
- Rosanna Construction
- Greenstar Ltd
- Ipodec Ltd
- Access Waste Recycling
