Contract Management & Programming System

A Contracts Manager is appointed for each project. The Contracts Manager will evaluate, plan, monitor and control the entire labour and material requirement for each task within a given project. The appointed Site Supervisor will, in conjunction with the Contracts Manager, ensure that the installation is carried out to the highest standard within the constraints of both budget and schedule.

On award of a contract the project will be programmed into the company's overall workload and a review of the current company resources will take place. In the event of a short fall in resources i.e. manpower or plant the relevant action will be taken in order to resolve the situation.
A contract programme will then be produced highlighting any key areas of concern and also indicating specific dates for release of information. The contract will be closely monitored and progress reports will be produced as required. A long term Delivery Schedule will also be produced showing the latest dates for order, delivery times, and expected on-site dates for all capital items and P.C. items.

a) Documents:
All incoming correspondence is date stamped and passed to the Contracts Manager for action. Filing is undertaken in the main head office with both paper and electronic copies maintained for future reference. A project file is set up to maintain records of all incoming and outgoing documentation.
b) Drawings:
Upon receipt of drawings, a date stamp is applied and the drawings are logged on a Drawings Register. Copies are then made for distribution to the Contracts Managers and Site Supervisors. Old, redundant and superceded drawings are kept electronically were possible to maintain separation from current drawing files.
c) Variations:
When revised drawings are received the Estimators and Contracts Managers check the drawings against those previously issued. All revisions are costed and noted in the project file. This is reflected in any claims for cost variations which are discussed and reviewed with the clients.

The Site Supervisor is responsible for the timely procurement and requisitioning of materials. Upon receipt of a requisition notice the Contracts Manager checks the specification and orders materials from a supplier. The chosen supplier is that who can best meet the specification and delivery requirements of the project, thus ensuring quality of the end product. The company maintains a list of suppliers who generally comply with one or more of the following criteria:
Quality - Quality Assured Company
Reputation - Known to the Company and previously supplied materials/services.
Client - Directly requested by the Client or outlined in the specification.

The action of verifying that the materials delivered match the requirements of the purchase order. All materials arriving on site will be checked and then stored until needed for installation. Any materials received without checking will be signed for as unchecked and will be segregated from other materials until they can be checked. Materials, which do not meet the specification or purchase order conditions, will be marked for return and the supplier notified. All signed delivery dockets will be forwarded to the office for processing.

The contracts manager will ensure that the personnel engaged in inspection and testing activities are experienced in the relevant procedures. All test equipment is fully calibrated and checked for faults regularly. Testing and commissioning schedule can be produced as required.

Changes made to the drawings and final locations of installed equipment, will be noted and modified by our in house CAD drafting operator. Final sub-circuit references will be added to the drawings and any construction references removed. The drawings will provide a complete and accurate record of the as installed status of the completed contract.

A complete and comprehensive manual will be assembled during the course of the contract, containing all the relevant information relating to the equipment used on the project. Test and commissioning certificates from the specialist suppliers will also be included in the manual.